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Beverly Hills Fire Damaged Flip
Beverly Hills Fire Damaged Flip
2 bed
1 bath
882 sq ft
Built in 1963
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Take a look at your next high-return project in Beverly Hills, FL. This 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom, fire-damaged home is looking for a complete turnaround. The home had a fire in the master bedroom, but the bones of the home are still in great shape. The sheetrock on the ceilings has broken down and fallen through, but this is due to the water pressure from the fire hose.
We recommend a full rehab inside and out. Based on our analysis, two-bedroom homes in the area are selling anywhere from $170,000 – $190,000, in as-is to updated condition. As a rental, after the appropriate rehab, we expect a monthly rent of $1,500 per month, which exceeds the 1% rule. For more information, contact your EquityPro Advisor today.